Losing it over food

Allow me to take a break off this miniskirts jazz (because not only is it ridiculous but I do not see this country surviving without those cute little items) and switch to the one thing that we all can never live without- food.
Yes, the four letter “f” word that excites everyone whenever it is mentioned. We all love food, in fact it is not a surprise that good food lights up every ceremony. But you see, much as food excites our life, we have ceaselessly abused it and treated it with disrespect and, in most cases, put where we come from on the line.
At different occasions, we have seen people sitting comfortably until they mention that it is time to serve food. Excitement follows and plates cease to have a particular size as one will do all that is necessary to ensure that everything fits on the availed plate.
While at this wedding, one guest picked up a plate and then first conducted a mini inspection of all the available dishes while he laid the perfect plot to have everything. He started with the steaming matooke, which he put and pressed hard to form the first round layer on the whole plate, after which he added the rest of the dishes skillfully. By the time he walked to his seat, he had this well decorated mountain of fruits, greens, vegetables, meats, plus a trail of soup following him.
The saddest bit was that he did not finish the food . Talk of greed at its best, eeish! And I thought that the purpose of self service was to give one the opportunity to put the food that they are comfortable with and can finish, huh?
Then I also did not get the whole point of him ignoring all the other items that were meant to serve varying purposes. Like how does one mix cake, fruits, food all on one plate and expect to put it all down the throat, all in the name of “I really enjoyed the good food at the function?”
I think people need to know when to put etiquette first and understand the meaning behind every gesture when they step out. When availed with a buffet, one should have the decency to put only what they can eat and can finish.
This business of piling everything available on plates (like they have never seen food) is not only uncouth but also a sign of greed. It is not cool at all (especially if one will not finish it). I know, we may love our food, no doubt about that, but also it should not be the main reason for us to go mad and lose the little manners that have been instilled in us, within just a split second. Think about it.