Roger Mugisha Hooks a Hot Babe While in the US

Last month, KFM's D' Mighty Breakfast show host was in the US for African-American History Month where he had a nice time enjoying the land of uncle Sam and also took off time to visit the Ghetto in the US.
But this particular trip was such a blessing for him because much as he missed Uganda, something cropped up along the way forcing him to extend his stay a little longer.
 "I miss UG...but something just happened to me. Speechless." This was after he shared a picture of a hot babe. Close pals tried to get more info regarding the babe but all he could say was hmmmmmm, speechless.
He later said 'Omwana Wabandi' implying that he was feeling the babe (in picture). This babe made him appreciate his trip more and wished he could prolong his stay but back home, his female fans were equally missing his voice and show.
In 2011, he told Cardinal Wamala that he could not go beyond 2012 before getting married. "Thank you Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala for not only being a parent but also being such a good friend. I took your advice seriously and I will get married in 2012."
We are not sure who the lucky lady is, but insiders say he has already proposed and going by his remarks to Cardinal Wamala, and bearing in mind that he is a year past his set date, bigger things are bound to happen in the year 2013.