Baadhi ya wananchi wakipita kujipatia kitoweo cha mbuzi eneo hilo la mnadani, Msalato mkoani Dodoma.

Vijana wakiandaa nyama ya mbuzi kwa ajili ya wateja wanaomiminika…


Virgin Galactic’s Branson gets closer to space

Recently, Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Galactic, spoke with Yahoo! Travel’s Five Miles Up column about the destination of his dream trip. “Into space,” he said. “Virgin Galactic is almost there." Monday, Branson’s dream came one step closer to being realized when Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo (SS2) made history, completing its first rocket-powered flight.
Catching up with Yahoo! Travel, Branson shared his reaction. “This is a momentous day, and the single most important flight test to date for our program,” he said. “It marks the start of the phase of testing that will demonstrate our vehicle’s ability to go to space. It’s a tremendous achievement and a testament to the hard work and meticulous preparation by everyone involved.”
After what Branson’s termed the “supersonic success” of Monday’s flight, Virgin Galactic now enters the final phase of vehicle testing before commercial service begins from Spaceport America in New Mexico. Virgin Galactic’s fleet is designed to carry six customers on suborbital space flights, during which passengers will have out-of-the-seat, zero-gravity experiences and black sky views from space.
So when might the 580 people who’ve made more than $70 million in deposits for a seat aboard the world’s first commercial spaceline, which is co-owned by Abu Dhabi's Aabar Investments, expect to take off? At the test site, Branson set “a very realistic goal of full space flight by the year’s end.” In queue for seats will be the Branson family.
“Like our hundreds of customers from around the world, my children and I cannot wait to get onboard this fantastic vehicle for our own trip to space and I’m delighted that today’s milestone brings that day much closer,” Branson told Yahoo! Travel.
For now, Branson’s savoring the day’s victory. “What a feeling to be on the ground with all the team in Mojave to witness the occasion.”
Takeoff occurred from Mojave Air and Space Port in Mojave, Calif., under the supervision of Virgin Galactic and Scaled Composites. Piloting SS2 were Scaled test pilots Mark Stucky and Mike Alsbury. SS2 mated with WhiteKnightTwo (WK2), Virgin Galactic’s carrier aircraft/mother ship, which was under the controls of Scaled pilots Dave Mackay, Clint Nichols and Brian Maisler.
Upon reaching 47,000 feet, SS2 was released from WK2. The pilot crew did a system’s check, then manually triggered the firing of the rocket motor, main oxidizer valve and igniters. SS2 propelled to 55,000 feet, reaching the supersonic speed of Mach 1.2. Ten minutes later, SS2 landed in Mojave.



Msanii wa filamu wa bongo Mahsein Awadh amepata mtoto wa kike hivi karibuni hali iliyosababisha msanii wa maigizo ambaye yupo karibu na msanii huyo Elizabeth Michael maarufu kwa jina la Lulu kumtakia maisha marefu yenye mafanikio mtoto huyo kupitia mtandao wa Instagram



Nashukuru vyombo vyote vya habari vinavyoshiriki kikamilifu kukuza na kulinda sanaa ya muziki Tanzania bila kujali maslahi binafsi...Tumeandaa sherehe kubwa na nzuri ya miaka 13 ya LADY JAYDEE katika muziki. Sherehe ya miaka 13 ya Lady JayDee katika muziki itaambatana na uzinduzi wa album yangu ya sita inayokwenda kwa jina la ‘NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH’ ambayo ina jumla ya nyimbo 10.
Katika sherehe hizo pia kutakuwa na show ya nyimbo zote bora za JayDee nikishirikiana na baadhi ya wasanii wenzangu hapa nchini.Sherehe zitafanyika Ijumaa tarehe 31 May 2013.
Nawakaribisha wote tufurahi pamoja
Na Mungu Awabariki



Huenda mwanamuziki Lauryn Hill akafungwa baada ya kukwepa kulipa kodi ya zaidi ya dola 554,000 ambazo aliahidi kulipa

Hill alistakiwa baada ya kushindwa kulipa kudi ya pango ambapo aliahidi kuwa angezilipa kabla ya kutolewa kwa hukumu ya kesi hiyo ambayo ilikuwa itolewe wiki hii lakini ikahairishwa hadi Mei  6 mwaka huu

Wakati wa kuhairisha kwa hukumu hiyo hakimu wa jimbo la New Jersey, Madeline Cox alisema kuwa mwanamuziki huyo haonyshi jitihada za kulipa deni hilo hivyo kinachofuatia ni hukumu dhidi yake kwa kuwa hilo ni kosa la jinai


Tanzania haipo kwenye orodha ya nchi ishirini masikini duniani

Nimeiona orodha ya nchi 20 masikini zaidi dunia na jambo la kufurahisha ni kuwa tanzania haipo kwenye orodha hiyo.nchi ya msumbiji ipo kwenye orodha ya nchi masikini lakini kuna jambo limenishangaza kidogo.thamani ya pesa ya msumbiji iko juu zaidi na ya kwetu kwa maana kwasasahivi 1000tsh = 18.97 meticais.sasa wale ndugu zangu wataalamu wa uchumi naomba mnisaidie kuhusu hili.kwa upeo wangu mdogo thamani ya pesa ya nchi fulani yaweza kutumika kama kigezo cha kubaini hali na kiwango cha uchumi wa nchi fulani?najua zipo sababu zingine kadhaa lakini hili limenishangaza kwa kiasi fulani
Read more Here:http://www.therichest.org/world/poorest-countries-in-the-world/


Top 20 Poorest Countries In The World-See the List

20 Poorest Countries In The World

What are the poorest countries in the world? The rankings below were published in Wikipedia from International Monetary Fund’s 2011 gross domestic product per capita (GDP per capita) report and reflecting the countries with the lowest purchasing power parity (PPP). Since 1970, there has been encouraging news emerging from developing countries. According to the UN’s 2010 Human Development Report, life expectancy in developing countries has increased from 59 years in 1970 to 70 years in 2010. School enrollment climbed from 55% to 70% of all primary and secondary school-age children. Also, in the last forty years, per capita GDP doubled to more than ten thousand U.S. dollars. Poor countries are catching up with the wealthier countries, but not all countries are making fast progress. For example, some countries in Sub-Sahara Africa have little or no progress, largely due to the HIV epidemic and civil wars.

The 20 Poorest Countries:

#1. Congo, Democratic Republic of the

GDP Per Capita: $348 (As of 2011)

Not to be mixed with the neighboring Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has become the poorest country in the world as of 2010. Democratic Republic of the Congo was known as Zaire until 1997. Congo is the largest country in the world that has French as an official language – the population of D.R Congo is about six million larger than the population of France (71 million people in D.R Congo vs 65 million in France). The Second Congo War beginning in 1998 has devastated the country. The war that involves at least 7 foreign armies is the deadliest conflict in the world since World War II – by 2008 the Second Congo War and its aftermath had killed 5.4 million people.

#2. Liberia

GDP Per Capita: $456 (As of 2011)

Liberia is one of the few countries in Africa that have not been colonized by Europe. Instead, Liberia was founded and colonized by freed slaves from America. These slaves made up the elite of the country and they established a government that closely resembled that of the United States of America. In 1980 the president of Liberia was overthrown and a period of instability and civil war followed. After the killings of hundreds of thousands, a 2003 peace deal was led to democratic elections in 2005. Today, Liberia is recovering from the lingering effects of the civil war and related economic dislocation, with about 85% of the population lives below $1 a day.

#3. Zimbabwe

GDP Per Capita: $487 (As of 2011)

The government of Zimbabwe released its largest bank note 100 trillion dollar bill issued on January 2009. In addition to the economic problems the life expectancy of Zimbabwe is the lowest in the world – 37 years for men and just 34 for women. One of the problems for the early deaths are the 20.1% of the population with HIV and AIDS. The health issues aren’t seeing any improvement.

#4. Burundi

GDP Per Capita: $615 (As of 2011)

Burundi is known for its tribal and civil wars.  Burundi have never really had any peaceful time between the everlasting civil wars as a result its the fourth poorest country. Owing in part to its landlocked geography, poor legal system, lack of economic freedom, lack of access to education, and the proliferation of HIV and AIDS.  Approximately 80% of Burundians live in poverty and according to the World Food Programme 57% of children under 5 years suffer from chronic malnutrition; 93% of Burundi’s exports revenues come from selling coffee.

#5. Eritrea

GDP Per Capita: $735 (As of 2011)

Affected by the Italian colonizers of the 19th century.  Eritrea’s advantage of controlling the sea route through the Suez Canal made the italians to colonized it just a year after the opening of the canal in 1869 and same reason the British conquered it in 1941.  The present Eritrea’s economic conditions have not improved and real gross domestic product growth averaged 1.2 percent between 2005 and 2008; in 2009 GDP growth was estimated at 2.0 percent.

#6. Central African Republic

GDP Per Capita: $768 (As of 2011)

Despite its significant mineral resources; uranium reserves in Bakouma, crude oil, gold, diamonds, lumber, hydropower  and its arable land, it remains one of the poorest countries in the world.  Diamonds constitute the most important export of the Central Africans Republic, accounting for 40–55% of export revenues. The 2010 UNDP Human Development Report ranks CAR near the bottom of its Human Development Index (159th out of 162 countries) and unlikely to meet its MDG goals. The proportion of Central Africans living on $1 a day has decreased slightly to 62%  but it needs to be half of that in order to reach the 2015 goal.

#7. Niger

GDP Per Capita: $771 (As of 2011)

With over 80% of its land is covered by the giant desert of Sahara, Niger has a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in Parity Purchasing Power (PPP) terms of US$771 as of 2011, one of the lowest in Africa. Niger’s poverty is exacerbated by political instability, extreme vulnerability to exogenous shocks and inequality which affects girls, women and children disproportionately. In January 2000, Niger’s newly elected government inherited serious financial and economic problems including a virtually empty treasury and was qualified for enhanced debt relief under the International Monetary Fund program for Highly Indebted Poor Countries.

#8. Sierra Leone

GDP Per Capita: $849 (As of 2011)

A West African country with English as its official language, Sierra Leone has relied on mining, especially diamonds, for its economic base and home to the third largest natural harbour in the world where shipping from all over the globe berth at Freetown’s famous Queen Elizabeth II Quay.  It is among the top diamond producing nations in the world, and mineral exports remain the main foreign currency earner and also among the largest producers of titanium and bauxite, and a major producer of gold. Despite this natural wealth, 70% of its people live in poverty. If you have seen the movie Blood Diamond you should know that it is based on Sierra Leone.

#9. Malawi

GDP Per Capita: $860 (As of 2011)

Malawi has one of the lowest per capita incomes in the world, with 53% (2004) living under the poverty line. In December 2000, the IMF stopped aid disbursements due to corruption concerns, and many individual donors followed suit, resulting in an almost 80% drop in Malawi’s development budget. In 2006, Malawi was approved for relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) program. In December 2007, the US granted Malawi eligibility status to receive financial support within the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) initiative. Agriculture accounts for 35% of GDP, industry for 19% and services for the remaining 46%.  In addition, some setbacks have been experienced, and Malawi has lost some of its ability to pay for imports due to a general shortage of foreign exchange, as investment fell 23% in 2009.

#10. Togo

GDP Per Capita: $899 (As of 2011)

This small, sub-Saharan economy suffers from anemic economic growth and depends heavily on both commercial and subsistence agriculture, which provides employment for a significant share of the labor force. Cocoa, coffee, and cotton generate about 40% of export earnings with cotton being the most important cash crop. Togo is among the world’s largest producers of phosphate. Approximately one half of the population lives below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day.

#11. Madagascar

GDP Per Capita: $934 (As of 2011)

Madagascar’s mainstay of growth are tourism, agriculture and the extractive industries. Approximately 69% of the population lives below the national poverty line threshold of one dollar per day. The agriculture sector constituted 29% of Malagasy GDP in 2011, while manufacturing formed 15% of GDP. Tourism dropped more than 50% in 2009 compared with the previous year, and many investors are wary of entering the uncertain investment environment.

#12. Afghanistan

GDP Per Capita: $956 (As of 2011)

Afghanistan is probably the only poorest country in the world that doesn’t need any introduction. Due to the decades of war and nearly complete lack of foreign investment, the nation’sGDP per capita stands at $956. Its unemployment rate is 35% and 42 % of the population live on less than $1 a day.  As tribal warfare and internecine feuding has been one of their chief occupations since time immemorial. History has never seen Afghanistan lose a war. They might be one of the poorest but they know how to fight. Instead of a traditional army they simply resist with small counter attacks that eventually tire out the enemy.

#13. Guinea

GDP Per Capita: $1,083 (As of 2011)

Guinea also has diamonds, gold, and other metals. The country has great potential for hydroelectric power. Bauxite and alumina are currently the only major exports. Guinea’s poorly developed infrastructure and rampant corruption continue to present obstacles to large-scale investment projects. Agriculture employs 80% of the nation’s labor force. Under French rule, and at the beginning of independence, Guinea was a major exporter of bananas, pineapples, coffee, peanuts, and palm oil. From independence until the presidential election of 2010, Guinea was governed by a number of autocratic rulers, which has contributed to making Guinea one of the poorest countries in the world.

#14. Mozambique
GDP Per Capita: $1,085 (As of 2011)

One of the poorest and most underdeveloped country in the world, 75% of the population engages in small-scale agriculture, which still suffers from inadequate infrastructure, commercial networks, and investment. The minimum legal salary is around US$60 per month.

#15. Ethiopia

GDP Per Capita: $ 1,093 (As of 2011)

Ethiopia suffers from poverty, and poor sanitation.  In the capital city of Addis Ababa, 55% of the population lives in slums. Despite its fast growth in recent years, GDP per capita is one of the lowest in the world, and the economy faces a number of serious structural problems. Ethiopia’s economy is based on agriculture, which accounts for 41% of GDP and 85% of total employment. Agricultural productivity remains low, the sector suffers from poor cultivation practices and frequent drought.

#16. Mali

GDP Per Capita: $1,128 (As of 2011)

With 50% of the population living below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day, Mali is one of the poorest countries in the world.  Some of its natural resources are gold, uranium, livestock, and salt. Mali remains dependent on foreign aid. Economic activity is largely confined to the riverine area irrigated by the Niger River and about 65% of its land area is desert or semidesert. Mali experienced economic growth of about 5% per year between 1996-2010. The government in 2011 completed an IMF extended credit facility program that has helped the economy grow, diversify, and attract foreign investment.

#17. Guinea-Bissau

GDP Per Capita: $1,144 (As of 2011)

Guinea-Bissau’s legal economy depends mainly on farming and fishing, but trafficking in narcotics is probably the most lucrative trade. With 60% of the population living below the poverty line, drug traffickers based in Latin America use Guinea-Bissau, along with several neighboring West African nations, as a transshipment point to Europe for cocaine. The government and the military did almost nothing to stop this business.

#18. Comoros

GDP Per Capita: $ 1,232 (As of 2011)

Made up of three islands with rapidly increasing population, and few natural resources. As of 2008 about 50% of the population lives below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day, due to numerous coups d’etat since independence in 1975.

#19. Haiti

GDP Per Capita: $1,235 (As of 2011)

Haiti is a free market economy that enjoys the advantages of low labor costs and tariff-free access to the US for many of its exports. Poverty, corruption, and poor access to education for much of the population are among Haiti’s most serious disadvantages. Haiti’s economy suffered a severe setback in January 2010 when a 7.0 magnitude earthquake destroyed much of its capital city, Port-au-Prince, and neighboring areas. Already the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with 80% of the population living under the poverty line and 54% in abject poverty, the earthquake inflicted $7.8 billion in damages.  Seven out of ten Haitians live on less than US$2 a day, according to the International Red Cross.

#20. Uganda

GDP Per Capita: $1,317 (As of 2011)

Uganda is one of the poorest nations in the world, with 37.7 percent of the population living on less than $1.25 a day. Uganda has substantial natural resources, including fertile soils, regular rainfall, small deposits of copper, gold, and other minerals, and recently discovered oil. Despite making enormous progress in reducing the countrywide poverty incidence from 56 percent of the population in 1992 to 31 per cent in 2005, poverty remains deep-rooted in the country’s rural areas, which are home to more than 85 per cent of Ugandans.


Rural Calif community on lockdown as killer sought

VALLEY SPRINGS, Calif. (AP) — A region of oak-studded hills in California, where big-city dwellers come to get away from crime, was on lockdown Monday, two days after a mysterious intruder stabbed an 8-year-old girl to death at home before being spotted by her 12-year-old brother.
With the suspect still on the loose, some of the kids in this enclave nestled in the Sierra Nevada foothills were hunkering down after school at James Barci's ranch.
"Nobody is staying alone," said Barci, a truck driver and parent volunteer at Jenny Lind Elementary School, where victim Leila Fowler was a popular third-grader. "I told my work I'm not coming in, and I'm just going to have all of my kids' friends at the house until this is over."
The apparently random attack has the tightknit community on edge. Parents such as Barci spontaneously showed up Monday at the school of 500 students to give hugs or tie purple and pink ribbons — Leila's favorite colors — to trees on campus.
Later Monday, authorities identified the girl's parents while also saying a witness saw a person running from the family home that had a similar description of a man who fled from the home when the girl's brother confronted him.
In a hastily called news conference, Calaveras County sheriff's Capt. Jim Macedo identified the father of Leila Fowler as Barney Fowler and the mother as Krystal Walters.
The names of the parents hadn't previously been released.
As Macedo spoke, Fowler and Walters — both solemn and declining to speak, and with Walters near tears at times — stood in the background. Macedo said Leila's parents wanted to convey their requests that their privacy be respected, but also that a memorial fund had been set up for their daughter. A vigil is also planned for Tuesday night.
No suspects have been named, but officials said a second witness saw someone with a description similar to one provided by Leila's brother of a man who ran from the home when the boy confronted him.
Investigators have also checked registered sex offenders in the area and parolees.
In a pastoral place where fat horses swish their tails in knee-high grass and few people had ever bothered to lock their doors, residents now say their guns are loaded.
"My husband wanted me to put one in my car so I'd have it in my hand when I entered the house," Tabatha Camden said as she dropped off a neighbor's children at the school. "I drew the line at that. We've always had one gun loaded in the house at all times, but now we have four."
The sheriff's office has released little information about the killing other than a vague description of a man with long gray hair. Calaveras County Deputy Coroner Steve Moore said the girl died from multiple stab wounds.
The Fowler family's hillside street is blocked off as a crime scene, since nobody knows for sure how the intruder arrived or where he went.
Violent crime is so rare in the community of 7,400 people that even law enforcement officers have to stop and think when asked about the last time there was a stranger killing in the area.
"Probably five years ago was the last one I can remember," said Officer Rebecca Myers of the California Highway Patrol, who was assigned to block access to the neighborhood of one-acre ranchettes.
The killing of the little girl known for her sweet smile, generous hugs and friendly demeanor has hit the community hard. It's a place where parents read about tragedies in other places and give thanks that they live in Calaveras County, which makes the news only when the jumping frog contest celebrated by Mark Twain is taking place at the county fair.
"I don't know how our children are going to adjust to this," said Kathryn Danielli, who moved here from Stockton with her sixth-grade daughter to escape crime.
Danielli was among about 20 parents who drove their children to school then stayed to lend support. Sheriff's deputies patrolled the area and sheriff's volunteers stood guard at the entrance.
"Everybody up here who has kids moved up here because your kids can go outside and play," said Kim Hoeke, who moved from Antioch in the San Francisco Bay area seven years ago.
Calaveras Unified School District Superintendent Mark Campbell said at least two therapy dogs and 10 counselors were on hand for students, teachers and staff to guide them through the grieving process.
Campbell said he met with Leila's parents Monday when they came to the school to thank teachers and staff for the support they had offered.
The parents were at a Little League game at the time their daughter was attacked, Campbell said. Leila's brother found her and notified the father, who called 911 and went home, he said.
Part of the school-guided grieving process included classrooms taking turns writing notes to Leila and hanging them on the fence at the entrance to the school. They came in somber groups and attached their notes one by one.
"Dear Leila: You were a fun person and very smart. I enjoyed being around you every minute," one girl wrote.
"I know you are in heaven looking down at us but you will always be in my heart," wrote another.
Campbell said officers will have a presence at the school at until the case is resolved.
The suspect is the subject of a broad manhunt by the sheriff's departments of Calaveras and surrounding counties, the California Highway Patrol and the state Department of Justice. Sheriff's officials say investigators collected fingerprints and what they believe is DNA from the home on Sunday.
"Our normal has changed and we will move forth and heal by coming together, as we all are here today," said Linda Stoes, whose daughter dressed in purple Monday to honor her friend. "Our perspectives have changed forever."


Chameleone nearly 'killed' in space suit

When East Africa's top artiste Jose Chamelone was rehearsing for his concert last Thursay at Kyadondo rugby grounds, he kept saying Kampalans would witness history during his Badilisha album launch the next day. It has now emerged that he was alluding to his space suit that he donned while on stage.
Well, he did not make history because quite frankly he did not go to space, but rather nearly went underground instead!
According to Chameleone who spoke to this reporter about his 'day of making history,'he procured the space suit from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) via the internet clearly specifying it was for a concert.

He claims he paid US$12,700 (sh33m) for it and was given instructions on how to use it. The suit however is only a replica of the real one.
On Friday, Chameleone first appeared donning the full suit but later experienced difficulty in breathing since the suit did not have oxgyen. He then removed the helmet but the suit could still not accord him the latitude of moving freely on stage in his trademark hyper performances. The suit was heavy and according to him, it weighed about 20kg!

The heat the suit was generating got unbearable so he decided to remove it. Then disaster struck. He says he had forgoten some of the instruction on how to remove the suit, and nearly suffocated in it!
Besides that, the show was well attended with the venue filling to the brim. Chameleone hit the stage at 10.30pm to a defeaning applause, and even his
former foe Bobi Wine, seated in the VIP section, was shown on large screens nodding in approval of the grandiose appearance.
The pencil-thin Badilisha star started off his playlist with a bang, singing past hits like Nekolela Mali, Dorotia, Maama Mia, Basiima Ogenze, Jamila, Bombooclat, et al, before having a break. He returned on stage dressed in white jacket and black pants, and sang while preaching love the whole evening.
In commemoration of East African music, Chameleone let Tanzania’s Professor Jay, Kenya’s Red San and Rwanda’s Massamba and Samputu join him on stage to do their songs.
He also had his son Abba Mayanja showcase his guitar skills and the little boy did not disappoint.
But the highlight of the night came when Chameleone did renditions of Goodlyfe’s Bread and Butter, Bebe Cool’s Kamwako and Bobi Wine’s Wendi.
The crowds did not expect it, but sang along. At 12:30am, after singing through his other songs like Valu Valu and Katupakase, the stage elevated him aloft when he sang Badilisha in an applause-eliciting do that ended the night. The concert goers left contented.


MTN Manager out on Bail grounds

The anti-corruption Court Tuesday granted bail to former MTN business manager accused of stealing sh3.7b from the company.

Justice Paul Mugamba released Richard Mwami on a cash bail of sh10m and his three sureties were to execute a bond of sh100m.

The judge further directed Mwami to deposit a land title and his passport in court and to report to the Registrar of the Anti- Corruption Court every last Tuesday of the month.

Mwami  is  charged  together with  Patrick  Ssentongo  the former finance manager  with MTN,  Angella Ayo  the assistant  revenue analyst  with embezzlement.

 It is alleged that while Mwami was employed as business manager, Ssentongo as a financial manager and Ayo as an assistant revenue analyst respectively between May and December 2011 stole sh3.759b.

In separate charge of embezzlement Mwami and Ssentongo are accused of stealing sh67m from the company which came into their possession by the virtue of their employment.

While applying for bail, David Mpanga the lawyer who represented Mwami said his client has constitutional rights to apply for bail.

Mpanga submitted that his client has a fixed place of aboard at Muyenga and if granted bail he would not abscond his trial.

Mpanga further said Mwami had substantial sureties who will compel him to appear in court whenever he is required.

State attorney Robert Mackay did not oppose the bail application but asked the court to impose stringent terms that will enable the accused to attend court.

Other accused persons charged   earlier include: Joan Nabugwawo, Brian Okurut and Eriya Baryamwijuka, who were also granted bail earlier.


How to hail a cab. "Namna ya kusimamisha Taxi"

 Shows us how to flag down a cab. 

Step off the curb and extend your arm. It’s the best way to claim your corner. If the medallion number on the roof of the cab is lit up, it’s available.

• Need a ride to the airport? Flap your arms like a bird. Pedestrians may stare, but hacks will get the message.

• If you want a quick lift, make a “C” with your thumb and index finger—it means you’re looking for a “shorty.” You may even get an off-duty driver to pull over.

Tell the driver your destination after you get in and just give an intersection (only tourists name an exact address).


Baba wa Chriss Brown Amtaja Msichana Ambae Angependa Mwanae Amuoe-Huyu Hapa See Pictures

Jordan Sparks Akionesha Tattoo yake
Gazeti la New York Daily News limefanya Exclusive interview na baba mzazi wa mwimbaji staa Chris Brown na kutoa maoni yake kuhusu mahusiano ya kimapenzi ya mwanae na Rihanna RiRi.

Clinton Brown amesema “sioni maisha marefu kwa Chris Brown kuwa na Rihanna, sijawahi kupendezwa na kurudiana kwao, unajua ni lazima kwenye uhusiano wa kimapenzi uwe na mtu sahihi ambae ni hitaji la kweli na linaloweza kuwa lako kwenye maisha, lakini sio kama hivi”

Clinton amesema hapendi kutumia mifano lakini anadhani watu wameona mahusiano ya mastaa kama Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse na wengine”

Kuhusu mrembo ambae angependa kuona anaolewa na mwanae, Clinton amemtaja Jordin Sparks kwa kusema “nimempenda Jordin, ni msichana mdogo lakini mwenye upeo mkubwa… ana akili na heshima”


Kama ulikuwa mshabiki wa mambo ya Bungeni hivi ndivyo ilivyo.

KAMA hujui ndiyo ujue sasa, kwamba waheshimiwa wetu wanapokuwa ndani ya mjengo na kutoleana maneno machafu na yenye vitisho unaweza kusema nje watanuniana au hata kupigana singi, lakini waapi! Gelesha tu.

Baadhi ya wananchi wanaohudhuria vikao vya bunge mjini hapa wanasema wabunge hao, hasa wa Chadema na CCM wanapokuwa ndani ya mjengo ni maadui wakubwa, wakahoji:

Lakini mbona wakitoka nje wanachekeana sana, tena marafiki au wanatuzuga wapiga kura wao tuwaone wako siriasi?”

Mmoja akaendelea: ”Mimi naamini kwamba wanapokuwa nje ya bunge ni marafiki na wanapokuwa mjengoni wanachofanya ni kulinda itikadi zao za kisiasa tu, hakuna lingine.”

Akaendelea kuwa, wananchi wengi huamini kwamba waheshimiwa ni maadui wa moja kwa moja, hasa…


Mshtuko wa bomoa bomoa

MAGHOROFA yaliyojengwa kandokando ya Mto Mlalakua na Ufukweni mwa Bahari ya Hindi yatabomolewa, hivyo kuzua mshtuko mkubwa kwa wamiliki.
Uchunguzi  uliofanywa na gazeti hili kwa zaidi ya wiki nne umebaini kwamba kazi ya kubomoa nyumba hizo inaweza kuanza wakati wowote ingawa kuna changamoto kubwa kwani baadhi ya nyumba hizo ni za vigogo wenye madaraka makubwa serikalini au ndani ya vyama vya siasa.

Habari zaidi zinadai kwamba baadhi ya vigogo hao wamekimbilia mahakamani kufungua  kesi ya kupinga nyumba zao zisiguswe wakati wengine wamekua wakitoa vitisho kwa waliopewa…


Habari Picha namna show ya Diamond ilivyokuwa Uingereza

Pichani juu, msanii wa muziki wa kizazi kipya, Naseeb Abdul 'Diamond Platnumz' akifanya makamuzi ndani ya jiji la London wikiendi iliyopita. Msanii huyo bado anaendelea na ziara yake nchini England.…



Leo naomba niongelee njia nzuri narahisi
yakumpagawisha nakufikisha kileleni mwanamke
wakati wa kufanya mapenzi..
Hii ninzuri kama wewe nimvivu wa romance au kama
unajua pia ninjia nzuri yakumpagawisha gal
wako..twende pamoja hii mm naiita two in one.. Its very simple just chakufanya mwanaume uume
wako ukiwa ndani yauke au kabla yakuwa ndani
yauke hakikisha mkeo ameshuka chini nakukufikia
kifuani wewe so hapo uume wako utajikunja kiasi
flani kama herufi L sasa kazi yako mwanaume
nikukikata kiuno chako polepole na usimpump kata kiuno chako huku ukimsugua..
kwann nimeshauri hivi uume wako unapojikunja vile
mojakwamoja utapitia pale juu ya kisim* nahuku
kichwa chako chauume kikisugua Gspot kwandani
so utakapokuwa unamsugua huku unakatakiuno
ngozi yako pia itasaidia kumsugua kisim*... Style hii ninzuri nahaichoshi nauleta msisimko
namuamsho mana hakuna speed just kiuno chako..
rahisi kwako kukikata kiuno bila utata wowote
nabila kuchoka



Inaonekana baadhi ya vituo vya runinga nchini Afrika Kusini, zikiwemo Channel O na Soundcity zimetaka video mpya ya Prezzo, Liqher ifanyiwe marekebisho kadhaa ili vianze kuicheza.
Hiyo ni kwa mujibu wa mawasiliano kwenye mtandao wa Twitter kati ya msichana aitwaye Tricia Stever anayetumia jina GOLDIE 4EVER GOLDEN aliyetaka kufahamu kwanini video hiyo haioni ikichezwa kwenye vituo hivyo.



Tukio hilo la kuchafua sifa ya ndoa, lilijiri hivi karibuni mjini Morogoro ambako Rose(mke wa Kanali Mstaafu wa Jeshi la Wananchi wa Tanzania ) aliaga kwa mumewe anakwenda kikazi.
Kapu la habari lililosheheni picha za video  liliwasilishwa mbele ya gazeti moja maarufu hapa nchini  hivi karibuni na mwanamke mmoja aliyejitambulisha kwa jina la Sarah huku maelezo yakimtuhumu Rose kujivinjari na mumewe katika faragha haramu.

Habari   zilieleza kwamba, mtumishi huyo wa wizara  alidaiwa kuingilia ndoa ya mtu kwa kutumia safari zake za kikazi kula nyama ya ulimi na mume wa mtu huyo aliyetajwa kwa jina moja la Kesi ambaye hatimaye alinaswa naye.

 “Kuna watu waliniambia kuwa, Kesi ambaye ni mume wangu anatembea na mwanamke huyo, nikaanza kufuatilia hatua kwa hatua kwa kuwatumia watu wakiwemo watumishi wa hoteli aliyofikia Rose na mume wangu.
“Sikupenda kuwaingilia chumbani na kuwaharibia starehe zao, nilichotaka mimi ni ushahidi, nilitumia ujanja wangu kupenyeza kamera nikapata picha,” alisema Sarah huku akifungua kompyuta mpakato yake (laptop) na kuonesha tukio zima mbele ya ofisi ya gazeti hilo.

Katika kulithibitisha tukio,mtumishi huyu wa Wizara ya  Elimu  alipigiwa simu na maongezi yakawa kama ifuatavyo

Mwandishi: Habari yako dada Rose?
Rose: Nzuri, naongea na nani?
Mwandishi: Naitwa (tunalihifadhi) ni mwandishi wa Gazeti la Ijumaa.

Rose: Ndiyo, unasemaje?
Mwandishi: Aaa, hapa kuna tuhuma zako kwamba unatembea na mume wa mtu na kwamba hivi karibuni ulikuwa naye ndani ya gesti moja mjini Morogoro, lakini pia zipo picha za video na mnato zikionesha mambo machafu mliyoyafanya huko, sijui unajua chochote kuhusu hili?

Rose: We uko wapi, …kama ni ofisini nakuja sasa hivi kuziona hizo picha, nitakujibu nikifika.

Bila kuchelewa, dakika 27 baadaye Rose  alifika katika ofisi za Ijumaa  akiwa na mumewe  na waliomba  kuziona picha, jambo ambalo liliwapa wakati mgumu wahariri kukubali zoezi hilo lifanyike mbele ya mwanaume huyo.

“Sikiliza kijana, huyu ni mke wangu, sasa unataka kuficha nini, umempigia simu, kaniambia, sisi tukakubaliana tuje wote kama mwili mmoja, sasa wewe unakataa nini…au ulikuwa na mambo yako?” alihoji kwa ukali mume wa mwanamke huyo.

Wahariri hatimaye walikubaliana na  ombi la wanandoa hao kuona picha hizo kwa pamoja, hivyo walipelekwa kwenye kompyuta na kuanza kufunguliwa kifurushi kimoja baada ya kingine .

“Mume wangu tulikuwa tumekaa tu hapa, huyu kaka alikuja kunitembelea chumbani, umeona nimevua nguo? Rose alijitetea kwa mumewe baada ya kifurushi cha kwanza kufunguliwa na kuwaonesha wakiwa wamekaa kitandani na jamaa.
 Kauli hiyo ya mtumishi huyo wa umma mbele ya mumewe ilikuwa kama kutia nazi kwenye supu kwani kimsingi video iliwaonesha wawili hao wakishirikiana ipasavyo hali iliyomfanya mumewe ashushe pumzi.

Mpaka mwisho wa sinema hiyo yenye dakika chache lakini zenye ‘machungu’, wanandoa hao waliondoka wakiwa ‘wamelowa’ jasho



This is how it was with Michael Jordans Wedding Recently

Yvette Prieto, 35, who wed Michael Jordan, 50, on Saturday, stayed remarkably under the radar during the couple's five-year courtship (the two were engaged in 2011). Maybe that's because she appears to be a woman with her two feet planted firmly on the ground.

According to an interview with ESPN, Prieto is helping Jordan—as famous for his ego as he is for his air—come down to earth as well. In February, the couple moved from Chicago to a condominium in the Bear's Club community in Jupiter, Florida developed by legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus. His friends joke that it's his "retirement home" but the sprawling, 11-bedroom residence seems more like a domestic oasis. There is a giant kitchen where Jordan and Prieto like to entertain close friends around an island with wine from his cellar, takeout steaks, and homemade salads.

 Sports: How Michael Jordan Still Earns $80 Million a Year
It's possible they moved to Florida to be closer to Prieto's family. She grew up in a close-knit Cuban-American family in Miami. "It was down in Florida," reports ESPN, "where he was spending time with Yvette's Cuban family, that he got a taste of the life he'd traded for the jet-set circus of modern celebrity. They weren't fawning—her grandparents, who speak little English, aren't basketball fans—and he sat at a dinner table, with people laughing and eating home-cooked food." It brought him back to his own childhood in Wilmington, North Carolina. A couple of years ago, Prieto convinced Jordan to take a seven-hour drive around North Carolina to visit his family who live all over the state. More accustomed to a private jet than road tripping, he joked, "It's amazing what women can talk you into doing."

Prieto has also shared her love of the sea with her new husband—despite the fact that he "hates the water." They have taken a number of sailing trips together and he's learned to love fishing for yellow fin tuna, and making fresh sushi with his catch. On their first voyage, he "went stir crazy" but on "the most recent trip, he felt his rage dissolve." Jordan who is usually glued to sports tapes for hours on end didn't even watch basketball. Instead, he's taken to playing old home videos of his three college-aged kids from his first marriage to Juanita Vanoy which ended in divorce in 2006. Vanoy reportedly received $168 million in the settlement, but there's plenty leftover: Forbes puts Jordan's net worth at about $650 million.
Although Prieto is described by the press as a "former model" and is certainly stunning, she also studied business and worked in real estate and in a hospital. Her former boyfriend, Julio Iglesias, Jr., described her as "a fantastic girl…Aside from her beauty, which is obvious, she is loving, simple and a very good person." After they ended their relationship, Prieto reportedly met Jordan at a dance club in 2008. Ironically, Prieto has never seen her super star husband play professional basketball. "She never saw me at 218 [his weight back in the day]," Jordan told ESPN. Maybe that's one more reason she remains so level headed about him.
Jordan is notorious for his temper but he's also known having a soft spot. He's a guy who, according to ESPN, tears up after meeting Make-A-Wish Foundation kids and sends Mother's Day roses to all his staffers who are moms. Anyone who stands six-foot-six and weighs 250 pounds must have a big heart, and Yvette Prieto has won a huge piece of it.



This is what the book explain about Raila Odinga's mind and the Presidency for Kenya. find time to Read it.


Live Updates: Lema Mahakamani kwa ajili ya Uchochezi

Hali ya mji wa Arusha ni Kijibaridi na kumekucha kwa manyunyu,Watu wamekuwa ktk vikundi huku usafiri ukidaiwa kuwa wa taabu katika baadhi ya maeneo kutokana na wengi kuja kufuatilia Mashitaka dhidi ya Mbunge wa Arusha Mjini Kamanda Godbless Lema...

Nipo hapa clocktower naelekea mahakamani.Pamoja nanyi naitwa Julius George nitakuwa na makamanda wengi kukuletea LIVE COVERAGE:


Breaking News: Lema Achiwa Huru

Mbunge wa Arusha Mjini Godbless Lema ameachiwa kwa dhamana hivi punde baada ya kushtakiwa kwa makosa ya uchochezi katika mahakama ya Mkoa wa Arusha huku maandamano yakifanyika hivi sasa katika mitaa ya Jiji la Arusha, Tanzania.

Katika Mahakama hiyo kulikuwa na umati mkubwa wa wafuasi na wanachama wa Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema).

Mashabiki, wafuasi na wanachama wa chama hicho walifurika katika mahakama hiyo kwa ajili ya kumuunga mkono mbunge
Hivi sasa mashabiki, wafurukutwa na wanachama wa Chadema wanafanya maandamano makubwa kuelekea katika ofisi za chama hicho ambazo zipo katika eneo la Ngarenaro.

Hivi sasa wanapita katika ofisi za Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Arusha Mulongo kwa maandamano huku wakipiga kelele za kusomea.

Kesi ya uchochezi dhidi ya Lema imefunguliwa katika Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi, Mkoa wa Arusha na endeshwa na Hakimu Devota Msoffe.

Mwandishi wa Habarimasai.com anasema kwamba kesi hiyo imeahirishwa mpaka Mei 29 mwaka huu.

Katika hati ya mashtaka ambayo ipo katika mahakama hiyo inasema kwamba kosa la Lema ni ' kutoa maneno yanayodaiwa kuwa ni uchochezi. Endelea kusoma habarimasai. com kwa taarifa mbalimbali moto moto.


Aibu: fumanizi kati ya Daktari na Nesi kwenye Hospitali moja Jijini Dar es Salaam

Daktari wa magonjwa ya binadamu alifumaniwa akipata uroda na nesi wa hospitali hiyo jijini Dar es Salaam. tukio hilo lilikuwa la kusikitisha kwani kitendo hicho kilikuwa kikitokea chini ya vitanda vya kulazia wagonjwa


Padri wa Kanisa Katoliki Huko Moshi Afumaniwa Live na Mke wa Mtu

KANISA Katoliki Jimbo la Moshi limeingia katika kashfa nzito baada ya padri wake, Father Urbanus Ngowi wa moja ya parokia zake kudaiwa kufumaniwa na mwanamke anayesemekana ni mke wa mtu

Father Ngowi akiwa ameduwaa baada ya kufumaniwa akiwa na mke wa mtu aliyejulikana kwa jina la kijamii la Mama P.
Sakata la fumanizi hilo linadaiwa kutokea Jumatatu ya wiki iliyopita chumbani kwa padri huyo, Marangu Wilaya ya Moshi  Vijijini ambako Father Ngowi inasemekana alikutwa ‘laivu’ akiwa na mwanamke huyo aliyejulikana kwa jina la kijamii la Mama P.

Pamoja na kunaswa huko, vyanzo havijaeleza humo chumbani wawili hao walikuwa wakifanya nini!

Habari zinadai siku ya tukio, mwanamke huyo aliingia nyumbani kwa padri huyo ambapo baadhi ya ndugu wa mumewe walikuwa wakimfuatilia baada ya madai yaliyokuwepo kwamba ana ukaribu wenye maswali mengi na mtumishi huyo wa Mungu.

“Unajua siku nyingi ilivuma kwamba Mama P na Father Ngowi wana ukaribu wenye maswali mengi, mume wake alifuatilia na kubaini ni kweli lakini akashindwa kuutenganisha ukaribu wao,” kilidai chanzo.
Chanzo kikaendelea kudai kwamba baada ya kuona mkewe amejikita kwa mtumishi wa Mungu, mumewe alinyoosha mikono juu na kumwachia Mungu.

Chanzo: Sasa siku hiyo baada ya ndugu wa mume kumfuatilia mpaka anaingia kwa Father Ngowi, wakaona ni bora watafute mpigapicha ili kupata picha za tukio ambazo zitakuwa ushahidi siku za mbele.

“Walipompata wakazama ndani, sekeseke likaanzia hapo. Walimkuta mwanamke huyo na mtumishi wa Mungu wapo kitandani.”

Habari zinadai kwamba kufuatia tukio hilo, tayari Kanisa Katoliki limemweka kitimoto padri huyo ambaye alikuwa akihudumu katika Parokia ya Korongoni, Moshi Vijijini kabla ya kuhamishwa na kupelekwa Parokia ya Makomu, Marangu ambako inadaiwa ameshushwa cheo.

Inadaiwa kuwa baada ya tukio hilo, Father Ngowi alikana kukutwa na mke wa mtu chumbani kwake lakini alipobanwa sana na mabosi wa Jimbo Kuu la Kanisa Katoliki Moshi, alikiri na kudai ibilisi alimpitia na kuomba kanisa limsamehe na kutompa adhabu kali ambayo itamuathiri kisaikolojia.

Hili ni tukio kubwa na la aina yake kuwahi kulikumba Kanisa Katoliki nchini kwa padri wake kudaiwa kukutwa na mke wa mtu chumbani kwake!

Father Ngowi na Mama P wakiwa na nyuso za aibu baada ya tukio hilo.

Kuna madai kwamba mwaka jana (2012), Father Ngowi, mbele ya waumini wake alisoma barua yenye kukana shutuma zote zilizoelekezwa kwake kwamba amekuwa na ukaribu wenye maswali mengi na wake za watu.

Taarifa zilidai kuwa padri huyo aliweka wazi akisema si kweli kwamba amekuwa na ukaribu unaotajwa, akawataka waumini wake wapuuze tuhuma hizo alizosema  zina mwelekeo wa kuchafua sifa yake na taswira ya Kanisa Katoliki kwa jumla.

Hayo ni madai ya vyanzo vyetu ambavyo viliambatanisha na picha mbalimbali za tukio hilo lenye kushtua waumini sambamba na namba za simu za padri huyo kwa ajili ya mawasiliano ili kujiridhisha.

Source: Global publisher


Report: Sudan Harbouring LRA Boss Kony

One of the world’s most Wanted warlords, Joseph Kony, head of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebel group recently found safe haven in territory controlled by Sudan, a US based watchdog Resolve said on Friday, accusing the Sudanese military of offering aid to commanders of the Lord’s Resistance Army. 

Resolve said in a new report that Kony recently directed killings from an enclave protected by the Sudanese military. Until early this year, according to the report, Kony and some of his commanders were operating in Kafia Kingi, a disputed area along the Sudan-South Sudan border where African Union troops tasked with catching Kony don’t have access.
“The enclave is currently controlled by Sudan, and numerous eyewitness reports indicate that elements of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) in Kafia Kingi have actively sheltered senior LRA commanders there and provided them with limited material support,” the report said. “According to LRA defectors and other sources, LRA leader Joseph Kony himself first traveled to the Kafia Kingi enclave in 2010. He returned to Kafia Kingi in 2011 and was present there throughout parts of 2012.” In a series of makeshift camps near a Sudanese army barracks, Kony “continued to direct LRA attacks against civilians in neighboring countries and issue new orders for LRA fighters.”
The Ugandan military — with support from U.S. military advisers — is the driving force behind the hunt for Kony. Ugandan army spokesman Col. Felix Kulayigye said the report vindicates Uganda’s contention that the LRA is a beneficiary of Sudanese support. Ugandan army officials said late last year they believed Kony was hiding in Sudan-controlled territory, although now they believe he has moved elsewhere.
“We always knew Kony was hiding in Kafia Kingi,” he said. “The way forward is that no country should be hiding a wanted criminal.”


Mbowe awapongeza wabunge wa CCM kwa msimamo

Kiongozi wa Kambi ya Upinzani Bungeni, Freeman Mbowe, amepongeza msimamo wa wabunge hasa wa CCM kwa kuweka itikadi zao pembeni na kusimamia kidete suala la bajeti ya Wizara ya Maji, hadi ikasitishwa ili iboreshwe zaidi. Pia kiongozi huyo, pamoja na kudai kuwa adhabu waliyopewa wabunge watano wa chama chake haikustahili, lakini akakiri kuwa walihusika katika vurugu ndani ya Bunge, ikiwa ni pamoja na mmoja wao kudharau mamlaka ya Spika.
Aidha, Mbowe amebainisha kuwa kambi ya upinzani inataka utaratibu wa mashine za kupigia kura zilizopo ukumbini kwenye kila meza ya mbunge uanze kutumika mara moja, badala ya kura za ndiyo na hapana ili kuondokana na mikanganyiko na kutotendeka kwa haki wakati wa..read more


Mastaa 20 wa Tanzania wenye ushawishi mkubwa zaidi

Kufanikiwa na kuwa na ushawishi katika maisha ya kawaida ya binadamu si jambo rahisi. Mtu mwenye ushawishi ni nani?
Ni mtu yeyote ambaye vitendo vyake, kauli zake ama ushauri wake hupokelewa kwa haraka na kufuatwa na watu. Katika orodha utakayoenda kuisoma, kuna majina ambayo mara nyingi yamekuwa yakionekana zaidi kwenye habari mbaya na scandal za hapa na pale lakini namna matendo yao yanavyopokelewa na kuwa gumzo kwenye maeneo mbalimbali, yanawafanya kuwa watu wenye ushawishi mkubwa japokuwa wengine wameshindwa kutumia nafasi hiyo kushawishi masuala chanya na yenye tija kwa jamii.
Wakati mwingine si kitu rahisi kupima ushawishi lakini tutaangalia ni wazo mawazo gani ya mtu, mifano gani ya mtu, kipaji gani cha mtu na ugunduzi gani wa mtu uliobadilisha jambo katika nchi yetu. Hawa ndio mastaa 20 wa burudani, michezo na urembo Tanzania wenye ushawishi mkubwa zaidi

1. Wema Sepetu
Well, well, well kunaweza kukawa na mjadala mrefu sana hapa wa kwanini mrembo huyu akamate nafasi ya kwanza wakati..read more
Source: Bongo5